Life Without Alcohol

The sense of freedom and well-being we experience is simply extraordinary. With the absence of alcohol, our physical health improves, our sleep becomes more restful and our energy seems boundless. Our relationships become deeper and more meaningful, and each achievement becomes more rewarding.

Living without alcohol is a true celebration of life, a gift we give ourselves and an opportunity to explore all the wonders the world has to offer. If you want to stop drinking, you've come to the right place!!!


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AA meetings

Attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings is one of the fundamental pillars for recovery. In these meetings, you will hear life stories from people who have faced problems with alcohol and discover how they managed to overcome these challenges, building a life with purpose, usefulness and happiness.

The meetings are led by independent groups and can be held through applications such as Google Meet, Zoom, among others. There are also exclusive meetings for women and for other groups that address sensitive and specific topics.

No need to identify yourself! You can join the meetings with your camera and microphone off, staying as long as you want and as many times as you want. Feel free to participate. Just click the "Join" button below.

Avoid the first drink!
Attend the meetings!
24 hours of sobriety and serenity.

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11:00 13:00 Liberdade de A.A. Online (Exclusiva para Mulheres) Exclusiva para Mulheres

11:00 13:00 Liberdade de A.A. Online (Exclusiva para Mulheres) Exclusiva para Mulheres


Twelve Questions Only You Can Answer! Here are some questions we have tried to answer honestly. If we answered “YES” to four or more questions, we have serious problems with our drinking.

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Grupo Caminho da Paz Online

Dia 19/10/2024 das 19:00 às 21:00

Reunião com Profissionais da Área da Saúde: participação especial de Bill e dr. Bob

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Grupo Caminho da Paz Online

Dia 19/10/2024 das 19:00 às 21:00

Reunião com Profissionais da Área da Saúde: participação especial de Bill e dr. Bob

Mais informações
Grupo Caminho da Paz Online

Dia 19/10/2024 das 19:00 às 21:00

Reunião com Profissionais da Área da Saúde: participação especial de Bill e dr. Bob

Mais informações
Grupo Caminho da Paz Online

Dia 19/10/2024 das 19:00 às 21:00

Reunião com Profissionais da Área da Saúde: participação especial de Bill e dr. Bob

Mais informações

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Criado pelo CATI do Intergrupos Online de A.A.


Criado pelo CATI do Intergrupos Online de A.A.